Innovate your company with Innotopia
Empowering Digital Transformation and Innovation Acceleration
Are you a business owner ready to revolutionize your industry through the limitless possiblities of creative digital solutions?

Companies that have innovated with us

How We Can Help You
Making 3D-scans
Innotopia houses experience and hardware to make 3D-scans, from photogrammetry to drone photo scanning. Whether your company needs a scan of a building for renovation purposes, or a detailed scan of a fragile art object to replicate it, we can help out.
Custom interactive products for you and your business
Are you in need of a virtual tour, a gamified product, or an interactive element for an exhibit? We collaborate with cultural institutions and SMEs, providing interesting projects for development teams, interns, and graduate students to work on.
Supporting indie developers
We pave the way for the northern digital creative industry to blossom, bridging the gap between studies and the industry. Giving workshops, organizing events and offering an in-house testing ground are all part of this endeavor.
Publishing games
Original indie titles for PC and consoles, as well as card and board games are what our publishing branch is all about. We especially favor games with a distinctive art style and an engaging storyline and gameplay.
We are here to help
Innotopia helps the northern digital creative industry blossom, bridging the gap between schools and the industry. Companies that want to innovate through gamification, receive support from starting and professional game developers. Examples of projects are digitizing art, setting up a virtual world for training purposes or giving rewards for repeat purchases.
What we do
Ede Staal: mijn Groningen - mien Grunnen
De tentoonstelling Ede Staal: Mijn Groningen – Mien Grunnen is nu te bezoeken in de museumboerderij van Museum Borg Verhildersum Leens. Het team heeft keihard gewerkt aan een VR-beleving, een dialectspel, een interactieve fotowand en de aankleding van de ruimte. Indietopia bedankt hiervoor haar vele getalenteerde stagiairs, Studio MARC en...
3D-scans of churches
During an award ceremony, Indietopia won the Excellent Digital Idea contest, organised by Provincie Groningen. We’ll make reconstructions of churches in Groningen, using photogrammetry, drone photo scanning, Meshroom and RealityCapture. Objectives Archiving churches; Showcasing churches to promote tourism and cultural events; Providing 3D-models for free to the public (open-source); Monitoring damage and shifts in the churches’...
Exhibit: Arranged Realism
From 9 October 2021 – 23 January 2022, Indietopia hosts the exhibit Arranged Realism at Museum Belvédère. It is the first exhibit in the Netherlands where art from screens is translated to the real world using new techniques such as rotoscoping and photogrammetry. On display are an artwork made in...
What our customers say

“It's a pleasure to collaborate in initiatives such as Indietopia, sharing my experience and knowledge with indie teams trying to succeed in the video game industry.”

Oscar Sahun
Program Manager

Museum Belvédère's collaboration with Indietopia resulted in a successful exhibition with publication. In a museum that since its inception had mainly focused on painting, the world of games and digital art forms were new phenomena. We benefited greatly from Indietopia's expertise in this and were more than satisfied with how we were able to present the medium to 'our' audience.

Han Steenbruggen

"I really enjoyed my time at Indietopia, I believe the project is a fundamental piece to create a solid gamedev community in Groningen and thus, build a true videogame entrepreneurial ecosystem in the region. Thanks for letting me be part of it."